Behavior Policies

One hour, 2:30-3:30 p.m., generally in the ISAP room.  School rules apply while in detention.  Cell phones are not permitted.  Failure to attend assigned detention will result in additional consequences including denial of privileges (like attending athletic or extracurricular events, etc.).  Be responsible for your actions.

ISAP (In-School-Adjustment-Program)

Scholars are assigned to ISAP during school hours.  ISAP class expectations are clear and enforcement is strict.  Cell phones are not permitted.  Failure to follow expectations and rules while in ISAP may result in suspension.


Scholars placed on suspension are prohibited from entering the school or being on school grounds or on any JCPS property, including bus stops.  Exceptions for a pre-arranged conference with an administrator may be granted.  Suspended scholars are not allowed to attend any school functions or to ride a school bus during the term of suspension.  At all stages of the suspension process, scholars shall be guaranteed due process rights as outlined in the JCPS Code of Conduct.  Upon returning from suspension, scholars have the right to make up major assignments, projects, and tests under the guidelines provided in the JCPS Code of Conduct.  Scholars are required to meet with the suspending administrator and the grade level counselor upon return to school.

Scholar Searches

Scholars have the protection, as do all citizens, against unreasonable search and seizure of their property.  School officials have the right to search scholars and their property if the officials have a reasonable suspicion that the scholar may be in possession of something that violates school rules, endangers self, or endangers others.

Surveillance Camera Information

Scholars should be advised that surveillance cameras are used to monitor the school building and campus grounds.

Areas Off Limits for Scholars

Certain areas are prohibited to scholars unless given permission by specific authorization.

  1. RedHawk Family Room/Teachers’ Work Room 
  2. Binet School areas, Rooms 111 –113; Binet Entrance after 7:40 a.m.
  3. Both front and rear parking areas during school hours (unless permission from administration is granted)
  4. Gym, football field, locker rooms, and behind the gym before or after class hours, except when practicing or playing with a school team
  5. Custodial service and supply room
  6. Band Suite, except when scheduled for band activities
  7. Outside/campus grounds
  8. Behind the counter in the main office
  9. Scholars are not to use the school elevator without permission.
  10. Areas in front of or behind Goldsmith Elementary
  11. Anywhere other than your assigned area without staff permission

Class Cuts

Scholars are expected to attend all classes and be on time.  Failure to do so will be considered cutting class and result in the following progressive discipline.  Assistant Principals will follow JCPS Progressive Discipline for habitual offenders.

Tardy to Class

Scholars are expected to be on time for all classes.  Scholars are to move from class to class between periods with no loitering or blocking the hall.  Late arriving scholars disrupt class and learning for others.  Scholars who are tardy for class will be given an unexcused Tardy to Class note from a supervising adult in the hallway and sent to class.  Progressive discipline will be followed for tardy to class infractions.  Repeat offenses will be considered refusal to follow directive/non-compliance with school policy and be handled accordingly based on an individual scholar’s record of relevant infractions.


  1. Profanity directed at an adult will result in the following consequences:
    1st offense:   2 days ISAP
    2nd offense:  3-5 days ISAP
  2. Failure to identify self to staff / failure to respond to administration will result in the following consequences:
    1st offense:   2 days ISAP
    2nd offense:  3-5 days ISAP

*With each subsequent offense, the number of days assigned could possibly increase – leading to suspension.

* An administrator reserves the right to assign a more serious consequence based on the severity of the behavior.

Seneca High School Cell Phone/Electronic Device Policy

Seneca High School, in an effort to model global expectations, acknowledges the reality of the role of technology in society.

Common Area Expectations
Scholars are allowed to have telecommunication devices on campus in common areas between 7:40 a.m. to 2:20 p.m.  Common areas are defined as the lunchroom, hallways during passing time, courtyard, and holding areas prior to the start of the school day.  If cell phone use creates an unsafe environment, staff reserves the right to intervene.  Music must be listened to through headphones and should not be heard by other individuals.

Classroom Expectations
At no time should electronic devices and their accessories (including, but not limited to headphones, chargers, earbuds, bluetooth devices, etc.) be seen or heard in any classroom unless explicitly directed by the champion in the classroom.  This includes the charging of electronic devices.  If champions choose to allow cell phone use in the classroom, champions must receive permission from an evaluating administrator and follow the acceptable use policy.

Per JCPS policy scholars are responsible for any and all electronic devices brought into the school; the school is not liable for lost, stolen, or broken electronic devices, including their accessories, which includes but is not limited to headphones, chargers, earbuds, bluetooth devices, etc.

Champions are expected to address any cell phone violation as failure to follow direction in class.  With guidance from Seneca’s Redhawk Way Team, all scholars will be given a multi-tiered intervention prior to removal from class.  This multi-tiered intervention will be verbal and written warning, documentation of second intervention including a phone call home, and then a written referral and removed from class with a referral.  Once removed, scholar will be assigned ISAP until an AP can meet with them.  At the due process meeting the following consequences will be applied progressively:

# of Removals from class due to cell phone violation If Cell Phone Surrendered to AP  Refusal to Surrender Cell Phone
1 Scholar sent to ISAP for remainder of period
and cell phone held until end of school day
1 day ISAP
2 Scholar sent to ISAP for whole day and cell
phone held until end of school day
2 days ISAP
3 Scholar sent to ISAP for whole day and cell
phone held until the end of the school day
3 days ISAP
4 End of school day 1 day out of
5+ End of school day up to 3 days

Violations of the Cell Phone/Electronics Policy will result in the following actions:

Recording of fights or inappropriate school behavior and/or sharing such recordings via electronic communication (including but not limited to social media, text, or email) violates JCPS policy and this conduct will result in the following progressive discipline:

1st Infraction Warning, Parent Notified
2nd Infraction 1 Day ISAP
3rd Infraction 3 Days of Out-of-School Suspension


Bullying means repeated, deliberate physical, verbal, or social attacks or intimidation directed toward another person.  There is a marked imbalance of power between the bully and the victim.  Bullying may be done by one individual or a group.  Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology.

1st Offense*
Counselor conference with the “bully”. Parent Contact.

2nd Offense*
Assistant Principal/Principal conference with the “bully.”  School level consequence (detention, ISAP, in-school suspension, community service, bus suspension (if incident on bus).  Counseling-Violence Prevention Intervention Learning Opportunity. Parent contact.

3rd Offense*
Assistant Principal/Principal conference with the “bully.”  School level consequence (detention, ISAP, in-school suspension, community service, bus suspension (if incident on bus).  Parent contact.  Counselor will develop a behavioral contract and will contact district level bully prevention specialist.

4th Offense*
Assistant Principal/Principal conference with the “bully.”  School level consequence (detention, ISAP, in-school suspension, community service, bus suspension (if incident on bus) also including out-of-school suspension.  Parent contact.

*Depending on the bullying action, an out-of-school suspension may take place during any offense at the assistant principal or principal’s discretion.  School level consequences may include detention, ISAP, in-school suspension, community service, bus suspension (if incident on bus).  Counseling support and services may include a Violence Prevention Intervention Learning Opportunity along with a parent contact. Depending on the bullying action, an out-of-school suspension may take place during any offense at the assistant principal or principal’s discretion.


1st Offense        3-day suspension
2nd Offense       6-day “District” suspension with recommendation for restorative placement
3rd Offense        6-10 day “District” suspension with recommendation for restorative placement

Scholars who fight will be suspended with a possible referral to a restorative placement.  Upon re-entry to Seneca, scholar must meet with the behavior interventionist and referral to peer mediation may be made.  District guidelines regarding make-up work for suspension days will be applied.


*This information is also available in the 2018-2019 Scholar Handbook.


3510 Goldsmith Lane, Louisville, KY 40220 - Phone: 502-485-8323